For backyard bird watchers who really get into the hobby of creating a habitat for wild birds, the selection of bird feeder types is endless. Usually we have a few practical feeders that are easy to fill, easy to clean and offer the right types of seed and food preferred by the species we wish to attract. However, there are those of us who also want attractive bird feeders. Some decorative bird feeders are small accents placed about the garden, tucked under shrubs or in flower beds, while some are grand post mounted gazebos that are more ornate than our own homes. Either way, you can add a decorative bird feeder that suits personal taste, is pretty and still safe for birds to feed from. Let's face it, the birds themselves don't really care what a feeder looks like, they care about the food offered inside.

You can get hopper style decorative bird feeders that feature a seed reservoir that requires less re-fills and is a stunning outdoor accent. These tend to make fantastic centerpieces in a garden landscaping design and should be placed where they can be easily viewed. They can be simple rustic country designs to grand southern mansions. Models with copper roof are quite popular, and the copper eventually turns a lovely green patina as it weathers and ages. They are often painted and feature ornate scroll work designs on the roof line or side columns, and are perfect for a formal, traditional, or romantic garden setting.

Open platforms feeders as well come in many decorative styles. These require a bit more maintenance as they have no seed reservoir and need to be filled more often, but the plus is that this style of bird feeder is highly attractive to wild birds. Open platforms are natural for wild birds to use to eat from since they can make a quick trip to the feeder and still have a good view of the area around them and any potential approach from predators. They are as well very visible to birds flying overhead so have the potential to attract a greater variety of bird species to a backyard habitat. As far as decorative goes, there are many! From charming country barns to prim style buildings with distressed finished roofs. Whatever your taste, you can find a decorative bird feeder to suit, feed the birds and add attractive, decorative touches to your private retreat. Shop for decorative bird feeders at
Decorative Backyard Bird Feeder & Bird Watchers Supply.